
Duke User Guide


Duke is a personal task manager. It allows users to view, add, delete and search for tasks. Duke comes with a Graphical User Interface and provides some quality of life features as well, including the ability to undo changes.


Getting Started

  1. Ensure that you have java 11 installed on your machine.
  2. Download the duke.jar file from here.
  3. Move the duke.jar file into an empty folder.
  4. Execute it by running java -jar duke.jar on your terminal or command prompt.


Add a Todo task.


todo DESCRIPTION - Adds a Todo task

Adds a basic Todo task to the task list.

Example of usage:

todo go to the gym

Expected outcome:


Okay! I've added the following task:
[T][✘] go to the gym



Add a Deadline.


deadline DESCRIPTION /by DATETIME - Adds a Deadline.

Adds a Deadline task to the task list.

Example of usage:

deadline Assignment /by 15 Sep 2020 2359

Expected outcome:


Okay! I've added the following deadline:
[D][✘] Assignment (by: 2020-09-15T23:59)



Add a Event.


event DESCRIPTION /by DATETIME - Adds an Event.

Adds an Event task to the task list.

Example of usage:

event Birthday party /at 16 Sep 2020 2000

Expected outcome:


Okay! I've added the following event:
[E][✘] Birthday party (at: 2020-09-16T20:00)



Mark a task as completed.


done TASKNUMBER - Marks a task as completed.

Mark a task in the task list as completed .

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:


Great! I've marked the following task as done:
[T][✓] go to the gym



Delete a task.


delete TASKNUMBER - Deletes a task

Deletes a task from the task list.

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:


Okay, I've deleted the following task:
[T][✓] go to the gym



View all tasks


list - Lists all tasks

Lists all the tasks in the task list.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Here are the tasks in your list:
1.[D][✘] Assignment (by: 2020-09-15T23:59)
2.[E][✘] Birthday party (at: 2020-09-16T20:00)


Find tasks by keyword


find KEYWORD - Find tasks containing keyword

Searches for and lists the tasks in the task list containing a given keyword.

Example of usage:

find Assignment

Expected outcome:


Here are the matching tasks in your list:
1.[D][✘] Assignment (by: 2020-09-15T23:59)
2.[D][✘] CS2105 Assignment (by: 2020-09-23T23:59)



Undo previous commands


undo - undo the most recent command

Undos the most recent command. Commands which did not change the task list such as list and find will not be considered when deciding the most recent command.

Undo can be used multiple times sequentially to undo multiple commands. However, once you close the application , the commands made during that session will not be undoable.

Example of usage:

done 1 > undo > list

Expected outcome:

done 1 Mark task 1 as done:


Great! I've marked the following task as done:
[T][✓] go to the gym


undo Undo previous done 1 command:

Undo previous command!

list Verify done command undone:

Here are the tasks in your list:
1.[T][✘] go to the gym


Exit application


bye - Exits the application

Exits the application.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:


Bye! See you again soon! :-)


[Application Exits, User Interface clsoes]